My husband, when I suggested Denny's, acted like I had suggested we take the children to a cult for some Kool-Aid. "Denny's?" he managed to choke out through his sneer and horror "Sure," I said, "It's a very kid-friendly place. The kids love the food there." He looked at me as if I had confessed I fed the kids arsenic and old lace, regularly, for dinner. "I. Cannot. Eat. THERE ," he said, shuddering. Honestly, what's the big deal? It's got big booths, a kid's menu designed with actual kids in mind---mine are agog at the choices: mac-n-cheez, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, bowls of grapes, etc.---and the staff actually not only seem happy to see me walk in with a couple of small children, but seem to tolerate us, and our ahem enthusiastic eating quite well. It's true, finding a South Beach or Weight Watchers approved entree is simply impossible, but I say moderation in all things. Eat a little and you don't blo...