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What is love

Love used to be romance: roses and chocolates, candles and cards, Judith McNaught and Johanna Lindsey novels, dashing heroes, dinner at restaurants with no prices on the menus, lingering glances over single flame flicker...time enough together to feel in love, time enough together to be apart and not regret it because there was all the time we needed.

Love has since morphed in something more like patriotism, joy in tribe. Counting on one another, being together in thick and a whole lot of thin, thinking more as we than me.

We marvel, "Look at this family we have created."

We despair, "Look at this family we have created."

Now love is kissing hair and smelling something funny, then realizing your precious progeny has dumped your expensive new hand lotion over her head.

Love is a lap, yours, that offers safety and shelter to your adventurous new toddler in those not-so-adventurous moments.

It's my breast, that piece of anatomy I finally stopped thinking about, which now, once again, consumes my mind---and that of my baby---practically 24/7. It's the magic number, the answer to the question, the pill that cures all ills.

Love is watching a one year old discover and knowing yes, your heart is walking out and about in the world.

It's understanding garbled words from a little new talker, when nobody else hears anything recognizable.

It's laying in bed listening to a four year old tell a story about a Care Bear birthday party...15 times, one for each Care Bear.

It's making a toaster waffle only to learn that they are DISS-GUSS-TING! And only yogurt oatmeal will do.

Love is being able to take that punch in the gut, "I hate you!" and keeping calm until you figure out what the real problem is...and trying to console yourself that hey, this is a shining mommy moment, she trusts me enough to let it all loose.

Love is our bedtime poem:

How do I love you?
No matter what.
How much do I love you?
To the moon and back.
And on days like today...
When I...
I love you twice as much.
I love you when you're happy.
I love you when you're sad.
I love you when you're good.
I love you when you're bad.
I love you when you're up.
I love you when you're down.
I love you when you smile.
I love you when you frown.
I love you when you're serious.
I love you when you're a nut.
I love you...
No matter what.

Yeah, this post drips, but I like sap. It's romantic. It's love.

Have a great Valentine's Day! (I also like Hallmark Holidays.)

See lots o' love at

By Julie Pippert
Artful Media Group
Museum Quality Digital Art and Photography
Limited Edition Prints
Artful by Nature Fine Art and Photography Galleries
The Golden Orchid: Original and Unique Wearable Art

© 2006. All images and text exclusive property of Julie Pippert. Not to be used or reproduced.


KK said…
Julie, I loved this post.


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