Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered. Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. --- Thomas Paine, December 1776 I've made very plain my feelings about the injustice inherent in a punitively-oriented society. By merely focusing on the negative and punishing rule/law breakers, we do not offer enough deterrents or incentive for many people to operate within the system. A successful society is a two-party contract that requires total buy-in. Society leaders (by which I mean government) not only must offer a legal means that is reasonable, but also must provide guidance and direction to how to legally work towards the desired end. This requires two key things: trust and fulfillment of guaranteed rights. If this sounds vague and confusing it is because I'm trying to apply a general moral/ethical principle to the rule of law. Bring it down to a specific case: the right to vote. This right is an evolving one. Here's a ...