What does this face say to you?
Here's what this face, regularly, says to me:
Her: You're a mean girl.
Me: How so?
Her: You. Just. Are.
Me...raised eyebrows.
Her: A MEAN MEAN girl.
Me: Is this about the chocolate? Is this about me not letting you eat the chocolate for lunch?
Me: Or maybe it's the new toy. I said I was not going to go to the store and get a new toy for you today.
Her...jaw juts out, bottom lip hardens.
Me: Or maybe it's because I told you to clean up your toys.
Her: MEAN!
Me..arms waving: Someone call CPS, vicious mom, cruel parenting, abuse abuse! A mother making her child clean up her toys! Unheard of!
Her: It's too much for me. I'm too tired.
Me: Maybe we need to take away the toys, maybe you have too many. Point out the ones you want to keep and I'll put away the rest.
Her: Moooooooommmmmm, I don't like those words! You're a rude mean girl!
Me: Toys need to be put away.
Her: I will...in a minute...I'm playing now.
Me: A minute ago you were too tired to clean up. You're too tired to clean, you're too tired to play.
Her: I. Don't. Like. Those. Words!!!!
Her: If you don't help me clean up then I will...I will...I will take away this toy now!
Me: Okay. Want me to take it away?
Her: NO! This is my toy! I can't play ever again. You said I can't play ever again.
Me: I said you need to clean up these toys here before going on to play something else.
Her...more of the same
Me: Clean. Up. Now.
Her...more arguing, bargaining, threatening.
Me: Clean. Up. Now.
And how does it end? With a garbage bag of toys, as usual.
I'm so looking forward to the teen years. Ought to be a lot of fun. Really.
By Julie Pippert
Artful Media Group
Museum Quality Digital Art and Photography
Limited Edition Prints
Artful by Nature Fine Art and Photography Galleries
The Golden Orchid: Original and Unique Wearable Art
© 2006. All images and text exclusive property of Julie Pippert. Not to be used or reproduced.
Or else.