Driving anywhere nonessential in a tropical storm---even the edge of a sort of one---is seven kinds of stupid.
I? Am seven kinds of stupid.
For the record? The dentist is nonessential and not worth the twenty-five years I took off my life span driving to and from the office in this torrential rain.
I knew it was not good news when, as I backed out of my drive, rain band 1 hit, turning the sky gunmetal gray with rain slashing down at about a 45 degree angle. I had about ten feet of visibility in front of me.
I knew it was very bad news when, as I paid the dentist and prepared to leave, the sky turned black as night. That rain crashed down bone straight, and left about five feet of visibility. Everyone had to drive in the left lanes as the right ones were flooded.
As we drove, the radio made that ghastly shrieking noise and issued storm and flash flood alerts for...everywhere I am.
Then the sky and air got freaky weird. The edge of black cloud tapered into light gray, with a slight space in between rain band systems that opened up to nearly blue. It was so quiet right there, with no rain, or noise. I could see across to the bay, where the next line of rain was coming in.
We made it the rest of the way home and inside the house quickly before that band hit.
Now it's pounding rain and thunder outside.
We're so water logged here that the water is sitting too much on the surface, so I believe the flash flood warnings.
So it's just rain...and really, we're fairly used to it by now. But man, driving in it sucks and is seven kinds of stupid. (New England friends, it's like a Nor'easters and then some.)
South of us are under "boil water" warnings. If we're getting pounded, I hope they are okay.
Fellow Gulf coasters, if you can, please check in! Mainly tell me you are not as stupid as I am, LOL.
Copyright 2007 Julie Pippert
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I'm glad you're ok.
Isn't there another storm behind Erin? And what kind of name is Erin for a hurricane? Pshaw!
I decided to stay inside this morning. Glad to hear all travels did not end up on local news. WeatherChannel addicted husband is now worried about future weather possibly heading our way. By the way, I find the phrase "cone of uncertainty" obnoxious and one I wish I knew when I was in college!
Stay safe. Indoors.
I guess like you.
Now stay inside.
I think that my kind of Texas storm, up in Dallas, is different that what you are dealing with there. I hope you all stay safe and dry and that it all passes over soon.
Especially YOU Painted Maypole telling me it is EIGHT kinds of stupid LOL!!!! :)
Luckily there didn't seem to be any sort of surge up here so all of our water was able to drain out into the bayou that runs to the lake that runs to the bay that runs to the gulf that runs to the ocean. Did you catch that? LOL. It's all close enough that you can stand and see the bayou run into the lake and the lake run into the bay.
Anyway today is a bright, sunny day, probably going to be hotter than anyone could stand...so we're off to a water park. :)