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Out of stride Wednesday: Hump Day Hmm for May 21, 2008

Walking out of stride...posts we all want to read!

Old or new posts about walking out of stride welcome. Just link here then add in your link to the widget below.

And remember, all participants will go in a drawing to win either a clown or funny book (winner's choice).

If you can, take a few minutes to keep checking back and visit the other blogs who link here. I think one of my favorite things is going from blog to blog to read all of the different perspectives.

Feel free to make a topic suggestion at any time.

Next's all about the other guy. One of the greatest things we all say we find in blogging is community. What post, blog or blogger has inspired you? It could have been a comment, a post, something someone did. Perhaps you've become friends. Big or small, if it moved you and caused you to take action in your own life, tell us about it. Tell us what inspired you, and then let us know the story from there---your story.

Copyright 2008 Julie Pippert
Also blogging at:
Julie Pippert REVIEWS: Get a real opinion about BOOKS, MUSIC and MORE
Julie Pippert RECOMMENDS: A real opinion about HELPFUL and TIME-SAVING products
Moms Speak Up: Talking about the environment, dangerous imports, health care, food safety, media and marketing, education, politics and many other hot topics of concern.


Kyla said…
Oooh, I've got one for next week.
le35 said…
Well, I'm working on my walking out of stride post. (Right now is that time for me.) When you get Mr. Linky up, let me know.
le35 said…
Thanks for Mr. Linky
Anonymous said…
Thanks for ideas!
we_be_toys said…
I linked to an older post I wrote, The Making of An Existentialist Pagan, Part II, which I think you've already read, but for me, it sums up my personal sense of being out of stride with the rest of the world.
Florinda said…
Something threw both my son and me out of stride just a few days ago, and I ended up writing about that.

Thanks for giving the topic a week ahead of time - I need the time to think :-).
thailandchani said…
My "walking out of stride" is probably painfully obvious. :) I can't write a whole post on it because actually it's the underpinning of all I write.

I did read an excellent post about this kind of thing last night but don't have permission to put it in the linky from the author - so I'll put it here instead. :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, you give such interesting topics. Time and time again I find myself wishing I had a bit more time to write. This one speaks to me in particular, as I've always felt somewhat out of stride with the majority of those around me. Some day...
Anonymous said…
My walking out of stride post is up. It's about me coming to terms with my new role as a mother to a kid with special needs.
jeanie said…
Ah - you have already linkied me, you wonderful woman.

Will check the others out.
Melissa said…
Better late than never.

I am truly out of stride today. I couldn't come up with a "normal" post and had to fall back on a Friday habit in order to organize my thoughts. :)

Off to read others...
S said…
i may have an oldie (but goodie) for you. i'll let you know if i do...
Gwen said…
Better late than shitty, I always say.

Okay, I've never before said that, but I'm going to start now.

Now I'm off to see what happened with my David. I've decided if he wins, I will eat cake to celebrate. And if he loses, I will eat cake to commiserate. So either way, I'm going to have a good night. :)
Kat said…
Oh yikes. I feel like I am constantly walking out of stride. I could probably pick out a dozen post I've written as examples. I'll look through them.
Maddy said…
It's the 'getting organized' bit that I always seem to slip up on.

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