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Halloween Hump Day Hmmm, Part 2, 11-1-07

I got some other Hump Day entries so I'm reposting the links.

Happy Halloween and Happy Reading!

Christine at running on empty wrote 10 reasons why Halloween is the best holiday EVER

Get chills with Lawyer Mama's The Ghost In My House

Can you guess Tere's Halloween costume?

Rocky Cat's Happy Halloween will give you the shivers.

Collecting Raindrops Emily shares Costumed Requital

Kyla's wordless but pictures are worth a thousand words in her Wordless Wednesday: Eyeless Spongebob

Snoskred reminds us about cultural differences in Halloween? I don't think so! This is Australia, right?

Hope Radio tells us about the ghost in the machine.

Get a real kick out of Daisy the Curly Cat's I am a skeleton.

Lyrical Catherine gives us something to think about in Wicked morality, Wickedly ambiguous.

P.S. The rumors are true: I did indeed join NaBloPoMo.

Copyright 2007 Julie Pippert
Also blogging at:
Using My Words
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Julie Pippert RECOMMENDS: A real opinion about HELPFUL and TIME-SAVING products


Liv said…
Sugar hangover? Yeah. That's it. My kids and I were still soundly sleeping at 8:30 when my mobile rang. Ugh. Too many triple chocolate Kit Kats. Mmmm!
thailandchani said…
I'm with Snoskred on this one. Halloween is not a significant holiday for me, either.

I am glad you decided to join NaBloPoMo. I like your posts so having one each day will be a treat. :)
Anonymous said…
I am all for ghoulish and creepy, so I applaud Patience for going with the Halloween spirit. But that monkey costume is just too cute (I am warming up to the cute idea, I admit).

Love the pumpkins! Good luck with NaNoPlawhatever! Even the name is too long for me to write!
Kellan said…
Cute, cute pictures and kids! I'm just relieved it's over - I'm tired. It was fun though. Have a good day, Julie. See ya.
Emily said…
I was just thinking last night about the Costume Seclection Process (The CSP).

I love it that your kids' costumes reflect their personalities.

Me? I was a princess last night...for the first time ever!
Julie, your girls are adorable! I really liked the story behind each girl's costume, and also how that spilled over onto the pumpkins!

Happy Birthday ('around' Halloween is pretty vague, so this is a blanket statement covering the week around Oct. 31st. Am I close??). Your party appears to have been a great success, judging from the amount of consumed goodies.

Heidi :)
Anonymous said…
Okay first of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAYWEEN!

Secondly...I love the costumes. Even the gorey vampiress.

Third...Hailey insisted that she was a *zombie* ladybug and would "dine on my sqwooshy heart". More than once.
Anonymous said…
LOL we called it the Halloween hangover...nothing got done today...must blog must blog...thanks for visiting--glad I could help with the ol' pulse rate. ;)
Kyla said…
The Princess Brigade. I just couldn't let KayTar be part of that...and really she was BEYOND thrilled to be a pirate. But the little girl costume choices are really lacking. It is like "You have to be a Princess, but you get to pick which pastel color you prefer!" Ack.

I loooooove the girls' costumes. Perfect. BubTar had a similar growing up this year and wanted to be something creepy, too, thus the Davy Jones costume.
Jen said…
I hope Patience sucked the blood of a few princesses. I love that she chose her own unique theme!
I want to live in your 'hood. You've got the coolest neighborhood ever.

(oh yeah, and the kids are totally cute too. Even goth vampire child. Or is it too babyish to call her cute?)
Anonymous said…
same old, same old around here. I'm not sure if this means my kids eat too much candy every day....
I and I are SO on the same wavelength! The Princess insisted on being a vampire this year and I tried my hardest to coach her back to the cutesie side!

Scary or not....your girls look precious!
Suz said…
Happy birthday...the food looks lovely and I also love the scary vampire! I'm sure the boys will want to move to scary sooner than I am ready to do so, but for now, I'm enjoying my monkeys.

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