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Pay it forward...

Things on the horizon...

1. Blogging Pledge Class of November

October's Pledge Class was a great round-up of blogs! So I've decided to do it again---plus I got some late submissions that need a place to go. In case you missed the first anouncement, let me explain what this is.

If you are a new blogger, undiscovered blogger, blogger who wants to reach a broader audience, or if you know a blogger like this...send me the information! I have a great list going already and will post that at the end of the month-ish (to give everyone time). These do not have to be newbie bloggers. I do want to promote the newbies as best I can, but also enjoy pointing people to great blogs other people know and think people ought to know about. So please free free to "nominate" a blog, as well as submit your own.

To get listed simply email me at j pippert at g mail dot com with a subject line of Blogging Pledge Class-November, and include a brief synopsis of your blog and a link to your blog.

2. Hump Day Hmm topic for 11-14-07

(This topic was delayed due to Halloween and Blog Blast for Peace.) Finally a space (I think? Anything else planned on this date?). I am so distressed for the people of California who've been affected by this fire. 1600 of them so far have lost their homes, lost everything. It's made me think about loss, what we value, and potential gain. Let's write about that. Imagine losing all your material possessions (except the few you can carry)... Or, tell us a story about some sort of loss. If you can inspire through hope, and tell us about something you gained from it, and real value, please definitely do that.

3. Autumn

Although my trip back to Boston and NH gave me a taste of fall, it wasn't...quite enough. Yesterday was tank top hot here. Again. My bushes are all flowering. Those of you out of the subtropics keep using words such as "cold" and "crisp" (lucky you). Also, many of you are posting gorgeous fall themed photos. I'd like to have a "gallery" of fall photos. Anyone interested in participating? (Please? Please give me photos of cool and least...) I'll set it up.

4. The receiving and the giving

Kellan, who always finds the upside, so nicely gave me this award:

This award is, "Presented to awesome blog owners who keep their readers excited about their posts. Their blog posts are interesting and worth reading and keep their readers looking forward to each and every post."

I'd like to pass this along to...

Jozet at Halushki because I'm just so grateful she's back...and she knows Nancy Eshelman. (It has nothing to do with $35, bribes, or anything.)

Sunshine at ...and the pursuit of happiness for dragging me out of my reader every time in order to comment on her great writing

Anne at who is such a great writer that she can take a belt with "fred" on it and make it the most interesting thing you've read all day

Julie at Letter 9 because she defies the myth of "those who can, do, and those who can't, teach." This lady has talent and a beautiful mind.

Bon at crib chronicles because she writes everything beautifully. I writhe in envy.

The fabulous Slouching Mom awarded me another

I'd like to pass this along to:

Mary at Them's My Sentiments because she is always interesting, but she also recently took on the topic of cultural ageism, brought it up to the department store where it happened, and then received customer satisfaction...that she gave away to charity.

De at Shilly, Shall I Dilly Dally for her gorgeously honest examinations of the human condition.

Michelle at Scribbit for her creativity and fantastic ideas, all pulled together interestingly and inspiringly.

Andrea at a garden of nna mmoy who is simply incredible, especially as a writer. Her NaNoWriMo must be published. Period.

Emily at Collecting Raindrops who takes anecdotes, broadens them to global concepts, and pulls you back in with her ability to make everything relateable.

Arkie Mama, who keeps it real (I laugh, I cry, I think) gave me this:

I'd like to pass it along to:

Bub and Pie who is, of course, a great writer with a high-degree of self-actualization, and whose writing is intelligent, personal and accessible.

Lyrical Catherine who broadens our minds and knowledge of other beliefs and cultures, lyrically.

Karen Needs New Batteries whose recent series about her son's health---so similar to our experience with Patience---was detailed and moving.

WhyMommy for so many reasons...her IBC awareness program, her touching and honest writing, and the beauty she shows us.

Gwen, a gifted writer who examines and explores things we all see, think, hear and do and makes us pause and consider more carefully.

Slouching Mom also gave me this one:

I'd like to pass it along to:

My friend Jeff, for creating H.U.S.H., a great blog, and beyond blogging, for raising great sons. My daughters, their father, and I thank you.

My friend Jenny, for consistently bringing people together, and, my favorite, outside of blogging, over mojitos in Rice Village.

To the amazing Mad and Jen, for all they do with the Just Posts, and outside blogging, for all they contribute to the world through their talents and work.

Chani at Thailand Gal for courageously delving into personal and human insights, and for creating the accentuate the positive.

Many thanks, again, to Kellan, Slouching Mom, and Arkie Mom for these gifts. And many thanks to those I passed it along to for keeping up the quality of writing on the Internet.

Tomorrow...I promise, back to real writing.

Copyright 2007 Julie Pippert
Also blogging at:
Using My Words
Julie Pippert REVIEWS: Get a real opinion about BOOKS, MUSIC and MORE
Julie Pippert RECOMMENDS: A real opinion about HELPFUL and TIME-SAVING products


Sunshine said…
You do realize this means I have to have another awardsfest!!!

Girlplustwo said…
thank you sister. and i am going to participate in your humpday post, girl. I AM!
Anonymous said…
Awww. You made my morning, chica.

Mojito's all around!
Congrats on your awards. Very well deserved :)

Catherine said…
Congratulations to you, and thanks so much! Its so fun to see so many awards done at once...its like reading the acknowledgments at the end of a book - all the people in the community who have helped make it what it is.
Anonymous said…
thank you so much - writing that story kind of knocked the wind out of me and I haven't written much since, so thank you - and congratulations And I will look for some lovely CT autumn pic for your collection AND perhaps I will pull off a hump day mmm for the first time ever this week ...congratulations again!
Scribbit said…
How nice of you! Thanks!!
Lisa said…
You did a great job of chosing some well-deserving recipients.

And for some reason this is the first time I've read your About Me profile. And I'm so excited that you mentioned Edna. I've loved her poetry since high school and have rarely heard any one else mention her.
Mad said…
Hey Julie. Thanks. And phew. I know how much time linky love posts take and you are fast becoming Queen of the linky love.

BTW, if you want my autumn shots, go to my Oct post called "We're on the bus to Sleepy Town." You can raid my Flickr account. Or you can just fly up here next October. Whatever works for you.
Anonymous said…
Awwwww... thank you, Julie! Coming from you, this means a lot!
You're a total sweetheart. Thanks for the nod and for thinking about me. {{{blush}}}
Emily said…
Thank you for thinking of me.
How sweet.

An award from you is truly humbling.

Thank you.

You deserve every one of them.

And ... now more blogs to read! This post just added to my list tonight.
atypical said…
this hmmm might just coincide with my need AND ability to write a post this week. Fingers crossed - I haven't been too reliable of late.

BTW, applause to your many recipients and to you for getting the honors to pass on.

Anonymous said…
Wow - thank you for the link - it makes my day. And thank you for pointing out other reads that you like as it is always a treat to get pointed towards something wonderful!
Anonymous said…
I don't think I ever said thanks for this. It'll be on my blog soon soon soon.

: )
Anonymous said…
Good lord. Could you ahve received more awards at one time?

Thanks for the thinking blogger one, and the compliment.
Christine said…
congrats on all of the awards, love.
Lawyer Mama said…
Ack! This hump day hmmm post will be hard for me. I can think of *nothing* to write. And that's saying something.

As for fall photos, I have tons. But everything here is still friggin green. The only photos that really *look* Fallish are those featuring pumpkins and footballs. I got both. I'm game even if my kids are wearing shorts in half the pictures.
Bea said…
How did I miss this one? I'm in exceptional company here, I notice. :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, Julie. Thanks so much. Even moreso for your support and helpful comments recently.

I admit, I was aimlessly trying to catch up with my backlog of posts to read, and thinning out my subscriptions, thinking, "I should really pack it in. Time spent blogging is nothing but shirking" so you've pulled me back from another brink.
MARY G said…
Thank you so much! I will post it with pride. You've got me in some awesome company.

You are awesome, you really are. I don't know how you do it all. At a high quality level, always.

I am about to try my first ever humpday humm tomorrow. I have fall pics up to my yinyang -- where do you want me to send them? Would you like a nice deer shot?

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