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** Hey please come vote for this at SK*RT to get the word out! **

You know what? There are new bloggers out there. I know! NEWBIES.

What's more...there are undiscovered bloggers, untapped wells of talent.

But we don't know about you.

I know, some people are shy, not really joiner types, don't prefer blog blasts or carnivals and so forth.

So tell you what: I'll try to create a link list with some regularity. All you have to do is comment and let me know how to find you (aka paste in your link). Write a brief description of your blog, you know a couple of sentences a la "Hi I'm a mommyblogger from Detroit and I have two preschoolers who are very loud and creative, all funny stories on my blog!" or "I'm so deep I make Julie look shallow. If you wish you could have hung with Plato, come by my blog." or "I'm a guy who likes to talk about motorcycles." or "My blog is all about space exploration."

And I'll link you. I'll even do my level best to come and comment at your blog.

So if you have a site to promote, send me your deets and I'll do what I can.

**NO FOR PROFIT/SALES, FEE-BASED, SOLICITATION or SPAMMER type sites though. Sorry dudes. That's a business and marketing costs. This is for personal blogs.**

That's all. No fee, no strings.

Copyright 2007 Julie Pippert
Also blogging at:
Using My Words
Julie Pippert REVIEWS: Get a real opinion about BOOKS, MUSIC and MORE
Julie Pippert RECOMMENDS: A real opinion about HELPFUL and TIME-SAVING products


thailandchani said…
Great idea! Also with NaBloPoMo coming up in a few short days, that is also a way to get to know some new bloggers.

I like your idea though. A little less crowded. I'll look forward to reading the new folks.
Anonymous said…
Thanks! I read your comment on the blog about Oprah's thyroid show. I think environmental contaminants are probably getting to me, too.
Fantastic idea! Not that I need anymore blogs in my Bloglines but it would be a shame to miss out on the next great blog.
Kyla said…
That's a great idea!

And are there really people who exist that make YOU look shallow? I'd have to see it to believe it.
Julie Pippert said…
Thanks guys! I just hope newbies and undiscovereds read this! And reply!

Chani, I challenged myself to NaBloPoMo or whatever this year and am quivering in my boots. Why? Why would I? I read 8 billion blogs and post pretty much daily already.

Kyla, dude, I giggle regularly at your town's mayor's name. Seriously. I am total gutter, babee. ;)
Anonymous said…
Thank you for stopping by my little blog.

I don't know if I am a newbie or not? I have been blogging since Jan.
Julie Pippert said…
Blogversary, newbie, newish or undiscovered counts! So sign yourself up! Get free link love.
You amaze me with all your reading, writing, reviewing, blog visits and now this promotion for newbies.

Have you found some wormhole through the space/time continuum that allows you to do all of this that we should know about? If so, you must share this secret. ;-)
Christine said…
you're the best, love.
MARY G said…
What a great blog citizen you are! If there is anything I can do to help, you know where I am.
Cool idea.
Ann said…
Comment here? Post my links here? Okay. My husband pointed you out to me. I have been blogging since June of 2006. First at Spaces, now mainly on my .Mac site though I simil-post at blogger too. I started blogging as a way to cope with my first husband's death in Jan.'06 and went public in Jan of this year when I felt that I had something to share. It's mainly about my journey. Caregiver to widow to new love to remarriage to Immigrant to Canada.

Question? How do you copyright your blog pieces?
Lawyer Mama said…
Wonderful idea, J! Of course, I need new blogs in my Bloglines like I need a hole in my head right now, but how about I let you screen them for me and then I follow you around like a lemming? Work for you?
Amie Adams said…
This is such a great idea. And of course, I'll continue to keep checking back for new folks. This is so nice of you!!
Jen said…
It always amazes me how many awesome bloggers are really out there. And I've only been "out there" for seven months.

You're awesome to do this.
siobhan said…
Here's my blog about mummyhood and life in general living as an expat in Istanbul
Anonymous said…
Love this idea, Julie.
You're out to make my Bloglines even more daunting, aren't you?!

Link away! I love reading new people.
Anonymous said…
Great idea. Super. And by the way, I got a major kick out of your comment on my blog today. Seriously. Your comment was like my phone messages -- I just can't stop myself. : ) But really, I love the comments and wish more folks would step up and leave me little messages and links. I've got a readership of lurkers, that's for sure. Non-bloggers, mostly.
Thank you, Julie, that is a very generous thought. Just like I've found the blogosphere to be!

- Heidi
Anonymous said…
Yay! Hook me up!
Stacy said…
Fabulous idea!So here it goes...I am a SAHM of 2 school age kiddos, wife of an USAF retiree who is now working in the AK oil after 11 years, still trying to learn to love life in Alaska....not always so easy:)
Anonymous said…
Well, I will add my blog to the list. I write about my life, kids, family, religion, politics and my various passion, which change with the season.

I chose the name blogversary, because I like new words and it was easy for me to remember.
Kellan said…
Hey Julie - great idea. I am a newby, but you know me, don't you. Have a great weekend - Kellan
Kellan said…
It's me again - hey, come back over to my site - I have an award for you. See ya.
Aliki2006 said…
Great idea Julie! I would love to add some new reads...!
painted maypole said…
oh great julie... great benefactor of newbie blogs everywhere... a fabulous and gracious ruler are thee...
Margaret said…
I'm not exactly new, but I'm still way uner the radar. I'm a 42 year old newlywed (for the first time) learning to live with stepchildren, Houston, and hoping my husband will keep me from being the crazy lady with cats.
the dragonfly said…
I'm new! :) I'm a stay at home mommy, an army wife, and a misplaced American living in Germany. I blog about being a mommy...and well, whatever else I feel like blogging about. Trying to figure it out still, actually...
Anonymous said…
I was a personal trainer before having kids, so I've started a new blog about getting back into (or staying) in shape while being a parent.

Please stop by sometime and check it out. Thanks!
TwoSquareMeals said…
Thanks for being so generous! I found you via my friend, Catherine, at Everyday Life as Lyric Poetry. I just started my blog last month after her constant nagging for me to do it. I'm a SAHM of two precocious little boys. My blog is a little of everything, funny kid stories, football, the South, spiritual meditations, book reviews...whatever is on my mind. I was an English major once upon a time, so I just like to write. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I'm new, I am a stay at home army wife to two small kids. I write about children stuff and stuff I feel like writing at the time.
Astrid said…
Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog :) I'd love to be on your list too though I've been blogging for a year now and might not exactly be considered a newbie...

I'm a Norwegian girl married to an Italian guy and we live in France. Normally I rant on about everyday stuff and sometimes it might just be interesting too.

MyThreeBlogs said…
Hey Julie - thanks! I write about being a single mom, my job as a social worker, raising my two boys, dealing with my my annoying ex husband, my wonderful boyfriend & trying to survive it all... (Except the boyfriend part. He helps!)
mamakie said…
I just stumbled onto your site and thought I'd throw my name into the ring. I'm a SAHM, big city girl now living the small town life with two kids (4 and 2). My blog is about kids and family life, plus a Thursday 13 when I can get my head around a new topic.

Thanks for linking us newbies to the big bad blogging world.

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