When I was younger, I wondered---and I don't mean in a blithe, Doris Day que sera sera way---what my life would be. I knew, from early childhood, that I had a fire in my belly. As I learned about the marches on Washington, the war protests, the womens movement and watched much of this happen, I thought, it will all be settled by the time I'm old enough to do anything about it. Ah naivete. I feared I would have nothing left to do, nowhere to use this fire in my belly. It spurred me on in life, that fire. And now it has found an outlet. I am mad, very, very mad now. I have seen a city (cities reall) destroyed, sucked under water and watched a government stand by---their biggest action pointing fingers about who is to blame. Ultimately, it will all rest with Mother Nature I am sure. Sure, she sent the hurricane, but that wasn't the biggest killer. Immobilization was. Disorganization was. Funding cuts were. Too much manpower abroad was. And so on. There is a need. There is a hu...