Every Spring my local women's club---social, yes, but also charitable and very down-to-earth by which I mean "shares appreciation for wine and dancing on tables"---has a fashion show. The local chi-chi boutique chips in and outfits models who parade about one of our tonier member's magazine-worthy home, around a pool or lakeside. The models are us. Yes, that's what I said. Every year I model in a little fashion show. You get to go to this chi-chi boutique where you select clothes that look good on you with a personal fashion expert advising. Like "What Not to Wear," only slightly nicer. Yes, only slightly. And no free money. Just a 20% off coupon. 20% off still doesn't buy me a t-shirt on clearance, by the way. But oh I love those clothes. My appointment with the professional is on Monday. The assistant called yesterday to get some information about me. Here's what you should know about me: if I was a gorgeous black woman, Tyra Banks and I could ...