My kids have been driving me stark.raving.mental lately. They are wonderful children, really. Nevertheless, I offered to sell them to my mother, cheap. I said both came with their own wardrobes and furnishings, as well as toys. Anyone in the know knows just how much the accessories cost---far more than the actual children themselves. I also offered that if she acted now, shipping would be free. She turned me down, without even needing a moment to think (which I offered). I ask you, is that anyway for a grandmother to behave? Yeah, I know, she raised her own already. But did she need to add, "HA! As IF! I thought you were tough to raise but HA HA HA then I met your children!" She laughed some more. Probably thinking how well that curse worked out. You know the one, "SOME DAY I HOPE YOU HAVE KIDS JUST LIKE YOU! OR WORSE!" Look at that, bonus curse on me for no extra charge. Anyway, they are cute but very, very high-maintenance. SHHHHH!!!! I know what you are thinking,...